User Journey

A user journey, or user story is a narrative about your dApp from your dApp user's perspective. It shows their experience with your dApp, step by step. It's essential to plan your user journey before you build your dApp, because the way you build the dApp should reflect what the user's experience will be.

Chat Room User Journey Example

"I went to this site called Move Chat. There were all these messages getting posted, from lots of different wallets. I connected my wallet with a button in the upper right corner. And then I typed in my first message: "Hello, Move!" I clicked Send, signed with my wallet, and my message posted, onto the blockchain! I've been using Move Chat for months now - met several great friends and business partners on there and love the new features they keep adding.

In the chapter quiz in the next lesson, you'll write a user journey for your dream dApp. So please start envisioning what it's like for your users to use your dApp now!